Saturday, September 19, 2009

Diabetes and Its Complications

The first thing the patient needs to be educated in any illness is the other complications at which he is more prone to because of this illness. The same holds true with diabetes. In diabetes the detailed knowledge about this disease can aid people who are suffering from diabetes. These not only help the diabetics but at the same time those people who are not the sufferer; so they are more cautions to prevent the onset of this severe ailment.

Apart from having the basic knowledge about the symptoms, causes and treatment of diabetes, the knowledge about the risk of complication is also worth paying. This prepares the diabetic to cope not only with diabetes but at the same time with other related complications.

There are some causes that affect people’s ability to suffer with diabetes like heredity, age and ethnicity. Apart from the risk factors; the complication associated with diabetes are same in all diabetics. To find some basic knowledge about the diabetic related complications read through the given passages.

Heart Diseases

Experts are of the belief that diabetics are more prone to coronary heart diseases compared to non diabetics. The fact is that these complications lead to death of diabetics all over the world. The diabetics are more prone to heart related problems because of the deposits of fats that are brought by the radical changes in the body that block the arteries and lead to heart stroke or attack. The insulin in the bloodstream of diabetics is less compared to other normal people so they are at higher risk of blood clotting which further leads to hypertension and high blood pressure.

Kidney diseases

In diabetics the most common complication is kidney failure. The reason of kidney failure is the damage of blood filtering unit. Once the kidneys are damaged, vital proteins are expelled out of the body with urine and finally the kidneys are not in a position of erasing the wastes and toxins present in the bloodstream. The good news is that all patients do not experience this life threatening End Stage Kidney Disease. This kidney problem can be prevented by quitting smoking and keeping the blood pressure in control.

Eye Disease

This means the whole group of eye related problems that diabetics may suffer. In the worst cases, these eye related problems like damaged vessels of retina of eye, diabetic retinopathy, cataract, glaucoma, cloudiness of eyes’ lens and elevated pressure of fluid in eye poses great risk to the vision of diabetics. All these problems if not properly and immediately treated leads to blindness and loss of vision.

Diabetic Neuropathy

The diabetics who are more into drinking, smoking and have a poor control of their blood glucose level are at a more risk of developing diabetic neuropathy compared to the ones who are not in these bad habits.

Gastro paresis

This disorder of diabetic includes the destruction of stomach because of prolonged emptying. Studies have revealed that more than 25 percent type 1 diabetics are more prone to diabetic complication as it damages the “vagus nerve”. This nerve is responsible to keep the food in the moving position in the digestive tract. This problem is also found in type II diabetics but here it is not that common.

Proper knowledge helps in the early diagnosis and treating complication.

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